Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

Aggregation of vectors using Spark Summarizer is too slow. How to get around it?

I have a dataframe df with columns id (integers) and document (string):

 |-- id: integer
 |-- document: string

Each id is associated with multiple documents. Each document would be transformed into a vector representation (embedding of dimension 100) using Spark NLP. Eventually, I want to get the average of vectors associated with each id.

When testing with small amount of data, i.e. 10k id with each associated with ~100 document, does the job quickly:


However, the real situation is that I have to deal with Big Data that consists of 100M distinct id and 200M distinct document. Each id can be associated with at most 30k document. The time taken to (1) attach embedding using Spark NLP and (2) aggregate the vectors per id took me 10 hours, which is too slow!

Eventually, I figured out a way to do the same thing while having the computing time shortened to ~2 hours.

Thanks to my colleague who spot out the bottleneck - step (1) is indeed not slow. It was step (2) that takes most of the time when there is a huge number of id to work with. In this scenario, the aggregation of values in 100 separate columns is actually faster than the aggregation of 100-dimension vectors.

Here is what I do to optimize the procedures:

1. Obtain vector representation as array for distinct document

One can specify in sparknlp.base.EmbeddingFinisher whether you want to output a vector or an array. To make the split easier, I set the output as array:

from sparknlp.base import EmbeddingFinisher

finisher = EmbedingFinisher() \
    .setOutputAsVector(False) \

2. Split the 100-d vector into 100 columns

Now I have document_df of schema

 |-- document: string
 |-- embedding: array
 |    |-- element: float

I split the vectors into 100 columns (v1, v2, … v100) by:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

split_to_cols = [F.col('embedding')[i].alias(f'v{i}') for i in range(1, 101)]
document_df =[F.col('document')] + split_to_cols)

3. Join the resultant dataframe with the original and do aggregation per column

I then join document_df to df and obtain the average of embedding columns per id:

avg_expr = [F.mean(F.col(f'v{i}')).alias(f'v{i}') for i in range(1, 101)]
df = df.join(document_df, on='document').groupby('id').agg(*avg_expr)

4. (If needed) Use VectorAssembler to concatenate the columns into vectors

One can turn the values in the 100 columns to a vector per id if needed:

from import VectorAssembler

assembler = VectorAssembler(
    inputCols=[f'v{i}' for i in range(1, 101)],
df = assembler.transform(df) \
    .select('id', 'final_vector')

That’s how I speed up the aggregation of Vector output from Spark NLP. Hope that helps. 😉

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