Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

How Diffusion Model Works (course notes)

DDPM = Denoising Diffusion Probablistic Model Johnathan AJJ

Need to add extra noise in the step

UNet is originally used for image segmentation.

UNet input and output are of the same size.

Embed information about the input -> downsample Upsample with same number of upsampling blocks

DDIM = Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models

Removed all randomness, remove markov process

Textual inversion:

Stable diffusion uses “latent diffusion” which operates on image embeddings directly to make the process even more efficient.

  • cross-attention
  • text conditioning
  • classifier-free guide

Research on sampling methods because it is still slower than other generative models at inference time

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