Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

Generative AI with LLMs Week 2 quiz

Here are course notes I am taking from the course on Coursera: Generative AI with Large Language Models.

Week 2 quiz

Question 1

Fill in the blanks: ____ involves using many prompt-completion examples as the labeled training dataset to continue training the model by updating its weights. This is different from _______ where you provide prompt-completion examples during inference.

  • Prompt engineering, Pre-training
  • Instruction fine-tuning, In-context learning
  • Pre-training, Instruction fine-tuning
  • In-context learning, Instruction fine-tuning

Question 2

Fine-tuning a model on a single task can improve model performance specifically on that task; however, it can also degrade the performance of other tasks as a side effect. This phenomenon is known as:

  • Model toxicity
  • Catastrophic loss
  • Instruction bias
  • Catastrophic forgetting

Question 3

Which evaluation metric below focuses on precision in matching generated output to the reference text and is used for text translation?

  • HELM
  • ROUGE-2
  • ROUGE-1
  • BLEU

Question 4

Which of the following statements about multi-task finetuning is correct? Select all that apply:

  • Multi-task finetuning can help prevent catastrophic forgetting.
  • FLAN-T5 was trained with multi-task finetuning.
  • Multi-task finetuning requires separate models for each task being performed.
  • Performing multi-task finetuning may lead to slower inference.

Question 5

“Smaller LLMs can struggle with one-shot and few-shot inference:”

  • True
  • False

Question 6

Which of the following are Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods? Select all that apply.

  • Additive
  • Reparameterization
  • Subtractive
  • Selective

Question 7

Which of the following best describes how LoRA works?

  • LoRA decomposes weights into two smaller rank matrices and trains those instead of the full model weights.
  • LoRA trains a smaller, distilled version of the pre-trained LLM to reduce model size
  • LoRA freezes all weights in the original model layers and introduces new components which are trained on new data.
  • LoRA continues the original pre-training objective on new data to update the weights of the original model.

Question 8

What is a soft prompt in the context of LLMs (Large Language Models)?

  • A set of trainable tokens that are added to a prompt and whose values are updated during additional training to improve performance on specific tasks.
  • A strict and explicit input text that serves as a starting point for the model’s generation.
  • A technique to limit the creativity of the model and enforce specific output patterns.
  • A method to control the model’s behavior by adjusting the learning rate during training.

Question 9

“Prompt Tuning is a technique used to adjust all hyperparameters of a language model.”

  • True
  • False

Question 10

“PEFT methods can reduce the memory needed for fine-tuning dramatically, sometimes to just 12-20% of the memory needed for full fine-tuning.”

Is this true or false?

  • True
  • False
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