Installing Stanford Core NLP package on Mac OS X
12 Apr 2018I am following instructions on the GitHub page of Stanford Core NLP
under Build with Ant. To install ant
, you can use homebrew:
$ brew install ant
In Step 5, you have to include the .jar files in the directory CoreNLP/lib
. To do this, first, I install coreutils:
brew install coreutils
such that I can use the utility realpath
there. Then, I include the following in my ~/.bashrc
for file in `find /Users/clare.huang/CoreNLP/lib/ -name "*.jar"`;
do export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:`realpath $file`";
for file in `find /Users/clare.huang/CoreNLP/liblocal/ -name "*.jar"`;
do export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:`realpath $file`";
(I guess there are better ways to combine the commands above. Let me know if there are.)
To run CoreNLP, I have to download the latest version of it, and place it in the directory
The latest version is available on their official website. Unzip it, and add all the .jar there to the $CLASSPATH.
Afterwards, you shall be able to run CoreNLP with the commands provided in the blogpost of Khalid Alnajjar (under Running Stanford CoreNLP Server). If you have no problem starting the server, you shall be able to see the interface on your browser at http://localhost:9000/:
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -annotators "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse,sentiment" -port 9000 -timeout 30000
Yay. Next, I will try setting up the python interface.