Setting up a Dash App on PythonAnywhere
24 Jun 2018After opening an account on pythonanywhere, go to the Web tab and select Add a new web app.
When prompted to select a Python Web framework, choose Flask.
Choose your python version. Here, I am choosing Python 3.6 (Flask 0.12).
Enter a path for a Python file I wish to hold my Dash app. I entered:
Put the script of your Dash app in
. You can use the script in the sample file
provided on the GitHub repo of pythonanywhere’s staff.
Next I have to set up a virtual environment that the app is running in. I am using the requirements3.6.txt provided in the above GitHub repo.
Go to the Files tab to create requirements3.6.txt
in your home directory. Then,
go to the Consoles tab to start a new bash session.
Create a virtual environment dashappenv with the following command in the home directory:
mkvirtualenv dashappenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.6
pip install -r requirements3.6.txt
Then, go to the Web tab and enter under Virtualenv the path of your virtual environment:
Lastly, modify your WSGI file. Instead of
from dashing_demo_app import app as application
provided, enter
from dashing_demo_app import app
application = app.server
to import your app.
It’s all done. Go to Web to reload your app. You can then click the URL of your webapp and see it running. :) Here is the sample webapp I built based on the example in Dash tutorial.