Read libsvm files into PySpark dataframe
14 Dec 2018I wanted to load the libsvm files provided in tensorflow/ranking into PySpark dataframe, but couldn’t find existing modules for that. Here is a version I wrote to do the job. (Disclaimer: not the most elegant solution, but it works.) First of all, load the pyspark utilities required.
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row
from import SparseVector
Initiate a spark session for creation of dataframe.
sc = SparkContext("local", "read_libsvm")
spark_session = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("read_libsvm") \
Get the path to the data files.
Here is the module I wrote for the purpose:
def read_libsvm(filepath, query_id=True):
A utility function that takes in a libsvm file and turn it to a pyspark dataframe.
filepath (str): The file path to the data file.
query_id (bool): whether 'qid' is present in the file.
A pyspark dataframe that contains the data loaded.
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
raw_data = [x.split() for x in f.readlines()]
train_outcome = [int(x[0]) for x in raw_data]
if query_id:
train_qid = [int(x[1].lstrip('qid:')) for x in raw_data]
index_value_dict = list()
for row in raw_data:
index_value_dict.append(dict([(int(x.split(':')[0]), float(x.split(':')[1]))
for x in row[(1 + int(query_id)):]]))
max_idx = max([max(x.keys()) for x in index_value_dict])
rows = [
feat_vector=SparseVector(max_idx + 1, index_value_dict[i])
for i in range(len(index_value_dict))
df = spark_session.createDataFrame(rows)
return df
Let’s see how the train and test sets look like in the tf-ranking package:
train_df = read_libsvm(_TRAIN_DATA_PATH)
test_df = read_libsvm(_TEST_DATA_PATH)
| feat_vector|label|qid|
|(137,[5,13,17,42,...| 0| 1|
|(137,[11,13,18,30...| 2| 1|
|(137,[11,27,29,39...| 2| 1|
|(137,[5,10,26,31,...| 1| 1|
|(137,[13,17,22,24...| 2| 2|
only showing top 5 rows
| feat_vector|label|qid|
|(137,[2,7,37,40,4...| 1| 1|
|(137,[1,8,12,15,2...| 2| 1|
|(137,[4,11,15,16,...| 0| 1|
|(137,[14,19,20,33...| 0| 1|
|(137,[9,12,19,26,...| 1| 2|
only showing top 5 rows