Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

Minor release of my python package + release procedures

[hn2016_falwa Release 0.4.1] A minor release of my python package hn2016_falwa is published. Thanks Christopher Polster for submitting a pull request that fixes the interface of BarotropicField. Moreover, I added procedures to process masked array in QGField such that it can be conveniently used to process ERA5 data which is stored as masked array in netCDF files.

As a memo to myself - procedures for a release (which I often forget and have to google 😅):

  • [Updated on 2023/11/5] Update version number in:
    • falwa/
    • docs/source/
    • recipe/meta.yaml
  • Add a (light-weighted) tag to the commit: git tag <tagname>.
  • Not only push the commits but also the tag by git push origin <tagname>.
  • Update on Aug 15, 2021: To push the commit and corresponding tag simultaneously, use
    git push --atomic origin <branch name> <tag>

If I have time, I would update the version on PYPI too:

  • Create the dist/ directory and the installation files: python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  • Upload the package onto TestPyPI to test deployment: python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
  • Deploy the package onto PyPI for real: python3 -m twine upload dist/*
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