Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

Socket Timeout error in BigDL Orca

To train deep learning model written in PyTorch with Big Data in a distributed manner, we use BigDL-Orca at work. 🛠️

Compared to the Keras interface of BigDL, PyTorch (Orca) supports customization of various components for Deep Learning. For example, using bigdl-dllib keras API, you are constrained to use only available operations in Autograd module to customize loss functions, while you can do whatever you like in PyTorch (Orca) by creating customized subclass of torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss . 😁

One drawback of Orca, though, is the mysterious error logging, as what happened within the java class (i.e. what causes the error) is not logged at all. I got stuck in error during model training, but what I got from the Spark log was just socket timeout . There can be many possibilities, but the one I encountered was about the size of train_data.

Great thanks to my colleague Kevin Mueller who figured out the cause 🙏 - when the partitions contain different number of batches in Orca, some barriers can never be reached and that results in such error.

To get around this, I dropped some rows to make sure the total size of train_data is a multiple of batch size:

train_data = train_data.limit(train_data.count() - train_data.count() % batch_size)

The training process worked afterwards. 😁

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