2025-03-15 - falwa release v2.1.0
2024-10-30 - Two manuscripts submitted for peer review
2024-10-28 - Download CMIP6 data from Google Cloud
2024-08-17 - falwa release v2.0.0
2024-07-14 - falwa release v1.3.0
2023-12-09 - Important announcement about the GitHub repo hn2016_falwa
2023-09-04 - IMPORTANT Bug fix release hn2016_falwa v0.7.2
2023-06-05 - MDTF meeting 2023/6/5
2022-12-22 - Local wave activity budget correction
2022-04-18 - Paper published on GRL!
2022-03-18 - Package release hn2016_falwa v0.6.0
2021-08-15 - Package release hn2016_falwa v0.5.0
2020-06-30 - Bulk download of ERA5 data from CDSAPI
2020-04-09 - Local wave activity calculation for Southern Hemisphere available in release0.4.0
2019-09-10 - Visit to AOS at UW-Madison to give a Colloquium
2018-05-24 - Published on Science!
2018-01-23 - Three co-authored papers submitted
2017-11-20 - My python library updated to v0.2.0!
2017-05-15 - Published a paper on Local Wave Activity Budget!
Here are packages I have written for processing climate data.
Python package hn2016_falwa: hn2016_falwa is a python package for implementing the local finite-amplitude Rossby wave activity diagnostic on climate data. This is an analysis technique I proposed in my Ph.D. dissertation. The package is under active maintenance and constantly being updated.
python-climate-data-processing: A collection of jupyter notebook tutorials (in python 3.6) on Fourier transform, spectral analysis on climate data and visualization using the Cartopy library.
Here are tools I have found online for climate data analysis/visualization.
Atmospheric Blocking as a Traffic Jam in the Jet Stream Colloquium, Department of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin. (Sep 2019)
Budgets of finite-amplitude Local Wave Activity in Northern Winter
Poster presentation at AMS 21th AOFD Meeting 2017, Portland, OR. (Jun 2017, substitute presenter: Dr. Sandro Lubis)
Trends and Climatologies of Northern Hemispheric Local Wave Activity and Fluxes in a Warming Climate (Dec 2016)
Poster presentation at AGU 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Characterizing Blocking Episodes with Local Finite-amplitude Wave Activity: Lifecycle and Climatology (Apr 2016)
Oral presentation at Workshop on Atmospheric Blocking, Reading, United Kingdom.
Characterization of Blocking Episodes in the North Atlantic and Pacific with the Finite-amplitude Local Wave Activity Formalism (Dec 2015)
Oral presentation at AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Local Finite-amplitude Rossby Wave Activity as a Diagnostic of Anomalous Weather Regimes (June 2015)
Oral presentation at AMS 20th AOFD Meeting 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Local Finite-Amplitude Rossby Wave Activity as a Diagnostics for Wave-Breaking (Dec 2014)
Poster presentation at AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Generalize Critical Line and Rossby Wave Breaking (Dec 2013)
Poster presentation at AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
A Study of Barotropic Decay with Finite-Amplitude Wave Theory(June 2013)
Poster presentation at AMS 19th AOFD Meeting 2013, Newport, RI.