Clare S. Y. Huang Data Scientist | Atmospheric Dynamicist

Ch.2 - A Gentle Introduction to Spark


  • Manages and coordinates the execution of tasks on data across a cluster of computers
  • Manager can be Spark’s standalone cluster manager, YARN, or Mesos
  • Driver:
    • process runs your main() functions
    • sits on a node in the cluster
    • responsible for:
      • Maintaining information about Spark Application
      • Responding to a user’s program or input
      • Analyzing, distributing and scheduling work across the executors
  • Executors:
    • Carry out the work that the driver assigns to them
    • Each executor is responsible for:
      • Executing code assigned to it by the driver
      • Reporting the state of computation that executor back to the driver node

Spark Session:

  • Entry point of any spark program
  • Translates python/R code into code that it then can run on the executor JVMs
  • A driver process via which you control your Spark Application
  • Has one-to-one correspondence to a Spark Application
  • spark-submit: submit a precompiled application to Spark

Spark Dataframe:

  • A distributed collection - each part (set of rows) exists on a different executor
  • A table of data with rows and columns
  • Schema: the list that defines the columns and the types


  • Spark breaks up data into chunks called partitions
  • A partition is a collection of rows
  • The efficiency of parallelism is determined by the number of partitions and the number of executors


  • The core data structure are immutable (i.e. cannot be changed after they’re created)
  • Transformation is a way to “change” a DataFrame
  • Abstract transformation: spark will not act on transformations until we call an action
  • Two types of transformation:
    • Narrow transformation:
      • each input partition will contribute to only one output partition
      • pipelining: performed in-memory
      • e.g. read
    • Wide transformation:
      • Input partitions contributing to many output partitions
      • shuffle: writes the results to disk
      • e.g. sort
  • Transformation are simply ways of specifying different series of data manipulation
  • Reading data is a lazy operation (narrow transformation):"inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").csv("...")

Lazy evaluation:

  • Spark waits until the very last moment to execute the graph of computation instructions
  • Spark compiles a plan from your raw DataFrame transformations to a streamlined physical plan that will run as efficiently as possible across the cluster
  • E.g., a predicate pushdown on DataFrames filters the data in the database query, reducing the number of entries retrieved from the database and improving query performance


  • An action instructs Spark to compute a result from a series of transformation
  • Three kinds of actions:
    • View data in the console (e.g.
    • Collect data to native objects in the respective language (e.g. df.collect())
    • Write to output data source (e.g. df.write...)
  • Example of action: df.take(5)

Spark UI:

  • Spark UI in local mode: http://localhost:4040

Concepts from an end-to-end example

  • schema inference: let Spark guess what the schema of the DataFrame should be
  • Physical plan called via df.explain(): the plan is read from top (end results) to bottom (source(s) of data)
  • Set the number of output partitions from the shuffle: spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5")
  • A lineage: Spark knows how to recompute any partition by performing all the operations it had before on the same input data (the heart of Spark’s programming model - functional programming)
  • To monitor the job progress, nevigate to the Spark UI on port 4040 to see:
    • the physical plan, and
    • local execution characteristics of your job
  • A direct acyclic graph (DAG) of transformations shows the execution plan
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