Manages and coordinates the execution of tasks on data across a cluster of computers
Manager can be Spark’s standalone cluster manager, YARN, or Mesos
process runs your main() functions
sits on a node in the cluster
responsible for:
Maintaining information about Spark Application
Responding to a user’s program or input
Analyzing, distributing and scheduling work across the executors
Carry out the work that the driver assigns to them
Each executor is responsible for:
Executing code assigned to it by the driver
Reporting the state of computation that executor back to the driver node
Spark Session:
Entry point of any spark program
Translates python/R code into code that it then can run on the executor JVMs
A driver process via which you control your Spark Application
Has one-to-one correspondence to a Spark Application
spark-submit: submit a precompiled application to Spark
Spark Dataframe:
A distributed collection - each part (set of rows) exists on a different executor
A table of data with rows and columns
Schema: the list that defines the columns and the types
Spark breaks up data into chunks called partitions
A partition is a collection of rows
The efficiency of parallelism is determined by the number of partitions and the number of executors
The core data structure are immutable (i.e. cannot be changed after they’re created)
Transformation is a way to “change” a DataFrame
Abstract transformation: spark will not act on transformations until we call an action
Two types of transformation:
Narrow transformation:
each input partition will contribute to only one output partition
pipelining: performed in-memory
e.g. read
Wide transformation:
Input partitions contributing to many output partitions
shuffle: writes the results to disk
e.g. sort
Transformation are simply ways of specifying different series of data manipulation
Reading data is a lazy operation (narrow transformation):"inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").csv("...")
Lazy evaluation:
Spark waits until the very last moment to execute the graph of computation instructions
Spark compiles a plan from your raw DataFrame transformations to a streamlined physical plan that will run as efficiently as possible across the cluster
E.g., a predicate pushdown on DataFrames filters the data in the database query, reducing the number of entries retrieved from the database and improving query performance
An action instructs Spark to compute a result from a series of transformation
Three kinds of actions:
View data in the console (e.g.
Collect data to native objects in the respective language (e.g. df.collect())
Write to output data source (e.g. df.write...)
Example of action: df.take(5)
Spark UI:
Spark UI in local mode: http://localhost:4040
Concepts from an end-to-end example
schema inference: let Spark guess what the schema of the DataFrame should be
Physical plan called via df.explain(): the plan is read from top (end results) to bottom (source(s) of data)
Set the number of output partitions from the shuffle: spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5")
A lineage: Spark knows how to recompute any partition by performing all the operations it had before on the same input data (the heart of Spark’s programming model - functional programming)
To monitor the job progress, nevigate to the Spark UI on port 4040 to see:
the physical plan, and
local execution characteristics of your job
A direct acyclic graph (DAG) of transformations shows the execution plan